Weekly Practices:
Ages 7 & Up: 5:30PM
Mon & Wed
Moore Middle School
2101 E. Devine St.
Tyler, Texas
Head Coach "ToTo" Brown
Contact: 903-288-2513
Mission Statement
Our Mission Statement
Whitehouse-Tyler Metro Track Club (WTMTC)
“To provide a positive outlet for at-risk youth ages 7-18, from all back-grounds; that reside in the Greater East Texas and surrounding communities throughout Texas, offering our youth the opportunity to participate in the sport of Track & Field as a form of Physical Fitness that will help to promote and maintain a Healthy Lifestyle.
(Child must turn 7 yrs. of age by the beginning of Outdoor Track Season--April 1)
What We Do
WTMTC gives the youth an opportunity to develop the speed and agility needed to compete in track and field events while attaining leadership skills and discipline.
We are dedicated to fostering the ideas of good sportsmanship and modeling the importance of being positive examples for others while having fun in a non-violent, drug free, safe environment.
We also seek to develop well-rounded individuals through athletic development and enhancement, while helping to set and meet healthy goals for all who participate and instill greatness at a young age.
WTMTC provides events for 100+ youths, from all ethnic backgrounds & communities of East Texas.
Not only do these children learn good sportsmanship through track and field events, they also acquire certain needed abilities and skills. They learn to be team players and gain strong moral and ethical values.
Over 50% of our members suffer from Asthma, Allergies or both and our organization has plans to incorporate an Asthma Control Program that will allow the members to gain necessary skills and knowledge that will enable them to better manage their asthma symptoms, and flare-ups, cutting down on missed school days, hospital emergency room trips and improve the athletes overall health conditions, while allowing the students to excel academically, developing a strong sense of integrity, perseverance, social responsibility and community service.
Coach "ToTo" Brown--Head Coach